Blepharoplasty, often known as an Eyelid Lift, could be a suitable consideration is a surgical procedure primarily revolves around adjusting the skin and possibly fat and muscle around your eyes in line with your personal objectives and medical advice.
At our Sydney clinic, headed by Dr. Tim, we offer Blepharoplasty procedures for men and women alike. It may assist with drooping eyelids that may affect their field of vision.
Choosing to undergo Blepharoplasty is a personal decision and should not be viewed as conforming to societal standards. It’s simply one way people may decide to address changes in their appearance. We believe it’s important to explore all your options, from changes in lifestyle to non-surgical alternatives.
Our team, led by Dr. Tim, is dedicated to offering a professional, respectful, and patient-focused approach, helping you make a well-informed decision that aligns with your personal objectives and holistic wellbeing.
Blepharoplasty, also referred to as an Eyelid Lift, is primarily focused on addressing changes in the skin, and sometimes fat and muscle, around your eyes.
The procedure is performed under local or general anaesthesia, depending on your personal circumstances and the recommendations of Dr. Tim.
It involves creating incisions within the natural creases of your eyelids to minimise visible scarring.
The procedure can be tailored to address the upper eyelids, lower eyelids, or both, depending on your needs.
Duration of the surgery varies based on the specifics of the procedure.
These facts are general in nature, and the specifics may vary based on individual circumstances. It’s important to have a detailed consultation with Dr. Tim to fully understand the procedure.
Upper Blepharoplasty:
Upper blepharoplasty focuses on the upper eyelid area. This procedure involves creating an incision that is typically concealed within the natural crease of the upper eyelid once recovery is completed. During surgery, a portion of skin, underlying muscle and, if needed, excess fat, are addressed.
Lower Blepharoplasty:
Lower blepharoplasty concentrates on the area under the eyes. If the expectation is to address excess skin, Dr. Tim typically places a very fine incision just beneath the lower lash line. If the primary expectation is to address lower lid fat, he can potentially do so through a transconjunctival incision made within the eyelid. In certain cases, a canthopexy may be performed to provide additional support to the lower eyelid.
Please remember, every individual is unique and results will vary. It’s important to maintain realistic expectations and consult thoroughly with Dr. Tim about your specific needs and potential outcomes.
Risks of Blepharoplasty (Eyelid Surgery)
Bleeding and Infection: As with any surgical procedure, Blepharoplasty carries the risk of bleeding and infection. These are, however, quite rare, especially when the surgery is performed by a skilled and experienced surgeon like Dr. Tim.
Scarring: While incisions are made in the natural creases of the eyelids to minimise visible scarring, there is still a risk that some scarring may occur.
Dry Eyes: Some patients may experience dry eyes after the surgery, which can cause discomfort and blurred vision. This is usually temporary and can be treated with eye drops.
Vision Changes: There is a small risk of vision changes or even loss of vision, but this is extremely rare.
Difficulty Closing Eyes: In some cases, patients may have difficulty closing their eyes while sleeping after a Blepharoplasty. This condition is typically temporary but may be permanent in rare instances.
Asymmetry: There is a risk that the eyes may not appear perfectly symmetrical post-surgery, although any minor asymmetry is usually not noticeable.
Reaction to Anesthesia: As with any procedure that involves anesthesia, there is a risk of an adverse reaction to the anesthetic used during surgery. This could include nausea, vomiting, or an allergic reaction.
Need for Further Surgery: In some instances, patients may require further surgery to correct complications or to achieve their desired results.
Dr. Tim will discuss all these risks with you in detail during your consultation to ensure you have a thorough understanding of the procedure and its potential complications.
Recovery after Blepharoplasty (Eyelid Lift)
Immediate Post-Surgery Period:
Immediately following surgery, you may experience some swelling, bruising, irritation, or dry eyes. Dr. Tim will provide detailed instructions on how to handle these initial side effects. To help manage swelling, cold compresses can be applied, and the head should be kept elevated as much as possible. Prescribed medication can also help to alleviate any discomfort.
The First Week:
During the first week following the Blepharoplasty, you should continue to rest and avoid strenuous activities. It’s normal for the eyelids to feel tight and sore as the anesthesia wears off, but pain medication can help manage any discomfort. Stitches are typically removed after 5 to 7 days.
The First Month:
By the end of the first month, most patients will have made a full recovery. However, it’s important to remember that the healing process can vary for each individual. You may return to work and resume most normal activities within 10 to 14 days, but avoid heavy lifting and strenuous exercise until you’re fully healed.
The results of a Blepharoplasty are generally long-lasting. However, like any other surgery, the recovery can vary significantly from one person to another. Regular follow-up visits will be scheduled to monitor your healing process. Dr. Tim will guide you on when you can resume all your normal activities based on your personal recovery.
Throughout your recovery, it’s crucial to follow all post-operative instructions provided by Dr. Tim and his team. This will include information about taking prescribed medications, specific concerns to look for at the surgical site, and when to follow up with Dr. Tim.
This content is suitable for an 18+/adult audience only
These photos are of consented patients of this clinic/medical practitioner and have not been altered or digitally enhanced.
Outcomes shown are only relevant for this patient and do not necessarily reflect the results other patients may experience, as results may vary due to many factors including the individual’s genetics, diet and exercise.
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